
Taraxacum officinale
Family: Composite

Habitat and Cultivation: Though not occurring in the Southern Hemisphere, is at home in all parts of the north temperate zone, in pastures, meadows and on waste ground, and is so plentiful that farmers everywhere find it a troublesome weed, for though its flowers are more conspicuous in the earlier months of the summer, it may be found in bloom, and consequently also prolifically dispersing its seeds, almost throughout the year.
Leaves can be harvested all year and roots are best harvested in early spring and late fall. Note: always make sure there were no pesticides/herbicides sprayed in the area.

Parts Used: The root, fresh and dried, the young tops. All parts of the plant contain a somewhat bitter, milky juice (latex), but the juice of the root being still more powerful is the part of the plant most used for medicinal purposes.

Actions: Hepatic, bitter, diuretic, alterative, aperient.

Specific Indications: Atonic indigestion from sluggish bile congestion w/constipation, hepatic congestion, colitis, Rheumatism; gout, Canker sores, chronic acne (esp. white heads), Lymph congestion esp. mastitis or swollen painful breasts during PMS, Edema (incl.PMS bloating)- best results are from tincture of leaves, and roots, dizziness and sleeplessness, diarrhea, kidney stones, anemia, venous insufficiency.

System Affinity: Liver, kidneys, skin, lymph, G.I, neuromuscleo-skeletal, metabolic, cardiovascular.

Energetics: Cooling, drying

Contraindications: Ulcers, bile-duct obstruction

Preparation and dosage: Tincture: 5 drops- 1tsp 2-3x/day, leaf infusion: steeped 30 mins: 1 c/ 1-2x/day, Root: 1tbsp per 1 c h20, brought to a boil and gently simmered 12-18 mins, 3-4 oz 3x/day.

Folklore: The dandelion is masculine in action and associated with the planet Jupiter, the element of air and both Pisces and Sagittarius. It is also associated with any solar deity, Hecate, Brigid and Belenos.
A tea of the flowers and leaves may be drunk to increase psychic ability while pouring boiling water over a bowlful of roots will aid in calling spirits.
Make a wish and blow the seeds off a dandelion head!
The folklore has an interesting spin on determining whether or not you are loved. Instead of picking the petals off a daisy, try blowing the seeds off a dandelion globe. It’s said that if you can blow all the seeds off with one blow, then you are loved with a passionate love. If some seeds remain, then your lover has reservations about the relationship. If a lot of the seeds still remain on the globe, then you are not loved at all, or very little

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